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'Bill Cosby Was Right'
Inspired by the outspoken comedian, journalist Juan Williams offers a bold critique of black America. His message: There's a crisis in the community, and all of us—especially the church—have a role to play in healing the damage.
Innovative Ministries
Fulfill the calling of the Holy Spirit to get involved in your community and your church.
Farther In and Deeper Down
Evangelicals of all stripes are reviving the neglected art of expository preaching.
Conquering Fear
Jo Kadlecek finds Fear Not a harder command to follow
Honoring God's Law
Anthony Tomasino challenges our indifference to the Ten Commandments
The Trojan Effect
Randy Alcorn's strategy for reaching unsuspecting readers.
The 'Jackie Robinson' of Evangelism
When Howard Jones broke the race barrier on Billy Graham's platform, he faced rejection from both sides.
Catching Up with a Dream
Evangelicals and race 30 years after the death of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Why Pat Boone Went 'Bad'
His controversial mission to interpret pop culture for cranky Christians.
Honoring God's Law
Anthony Tomasino challenges our indifference to the Ten Commandments
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